これは、 いいスタートを切りたい
We’ve got something special for you!
Join us as we dive into 6 exciting jobs!
Building houses, roads, and
everything in town—pretty awesome!
I figured carpentry would be the perfect way to use up my endless energy.
Carrying tote bags, packing stuff… doing this every day, I feel like I’m already getting bigger.
Working as a team for years to create something huge, carpenters are amazing and seriously cool!
Red and blue make purple,that’s all I know. But the word 'lab' sounds cool, so I jumped in!I’m not sure what’s happening,but something’s definitely changing..!
赤と青を混ぜるとムラサキ。そんな知識しか持ち合わせてないけど、ラボって響きに憧れていざ潜入開始!言われた通りにガラスにカラフルな液体をミックスして、じっくり観察。正直これがなんなのかはさっぱりわからないけど何かになっていくんだよね?唯一わかったことは、FISHS EDDYのグラスってカラフルなジュースをいれるとかわいいんだなってことだけ!
Mixed some colorful liquids like they said and watched. One thing I do know? FISHS EDDY glasses look cute with colorful juice!
No matter how strong the storm, they stay serious and reportwithout a single complaint. Being a TV reporter is tough…
No matter how strong the storm, they stay serious and reportwithout a single complaint. Being a TV reporter is tough…
No matter how strong the storm, they stay serious and reportwithout a single complaint. Being a TV reporter is tough…
No matter how strong the storm, they stay serious and reportwithout a single complaint. Being a TV reporter is tough…
No matter how strong the storm, they stay serious and reportwithout a single complaint. Being a TV reporter is tough…
No matter how strong the storm, they stay serious and reportwithout a single complaint. Being a TV reporter is tough…
No matter how strong the storm, they stay serious and reportwithout a single complaint. Being a TV reporter is tough…
No matter how strong the storm, they stay serious and reportwithout a single complaint. Being a TV reporter is tough…
No matter how strong the storm, they stay serious and reportwithout a single complaint. Being a TV reporter is tough…
No matter how strong the storm, they stay serious and reportwithout a single complaint. Being a TV reporter is tough…
No matter how strong the storm, they stay serious and reportwithout a single complaint. Being a TV reporter is tough…
No matter how strong the storm, they stay serious and reportwithout a single complaint. Being a TV reporter is tough…
but yes, their news could help someone. Hold the mic tight and do their best to deliver the news…
That’s no other word for it but impressive! Even the New York umbrella looks like it’s about to fly away.
キャベツ畑の娘、通りますって爽やかなフリをしてるけど、実際はかなり重労働。でも娘のように愛情をかけて大切に育ててきたキャベツが出荷される時は笑顔で送り出したい!畑仕事から出荷までずっとそばにいてくれたFISHS EDDYのPVCトートバッグは1つのキャベツがぴったり入るサイズ感。中が見える時は、これくらい遊ばせてもいいかも。プレゼントのラッピングとしても最適?
Working the land from sunrise to sunset, seeing everything grow and thrive, makes all the hard work totally worth it!we love cabbage<3
Cleaning a room while the owner’s away isperfect for me since I’m a bit shy.I can work alone, take smoke breaks,and the colorful apron lifts my mood.I love simple days, and this might be the best job for me.It’s funny, cleaning someone else’s place clears my mind.I just wish my own place was always this clean..!
Even an artist creating amazing arthas moments of doubt,but no one sees that in the final work.When you're deep in the creative process, having a colorful mugnearby could give you the perfect spark of inspiration.