プリントしたトートバッグ。長めの持ち手が便利です。Two types of the pop utility baggage features a printed graphic by Mr. YAR, who took a motif from a Fujiyama mural, and a printed Hare No Yu logo respectively. The longer handles are practically helpful.
赤、青、白の3色そろえて、家族で使い分けるのもアリです。A tooth brushing routine turns to a sento-ish fun with this toiletry embracing a Hare No Yu logo. Buy red, blue, and white and split them to your folks.
胸元には“のれん”のマーク、袖には、“晴ノ湯”ロゴをプリント。The sweatshirts boast a trendy loose silhouette. A print of a noren (Japanse shop curtain) mark is on the chest and Hare No Yu logo on shoulders.
肌触りも抜群。大きくあしらった“晴ノ湯”ロゴがポイントです。Another must to sentoes: towels are in the list. The renowned Imabari Towels offers you superior feels. A bigger Hare No Yu logo is pleasantly eye-catching.
高級感のある陶器製なので、バスルームをスタイリッシュに演出できます。With a luxurious look of ceramic, this container for shampoo and body soap.gives forth a posh air to your bath.
YAR(ヤール)はYoshirotten、Koji Wagatsuma、
アートディレクション、グラフィックデザイン、映像、WEB、プロップ製作、 撮影、空間演出、 展示会までを国内外問わず行います。
また、コミッションワーク以外の活動も頻繁に行い、 東京、ロンドン、ベルリンなどで エキシビジョンも開催しています。
2015年夏、新スタジオを東京・中目黒に設立致しました。 -
YAR is a creative studio based in Tokyo.
We provide art direction, graphic design, movies, web, prop production, shooting, space direction, exhibition, etc., covering global territories.
We also collaborate with our clients to inspire creativity.
Our activities, besides commissioned works, are very intense; holding numerous exhibitions in cities such as Tokyo, London, or Berlin.
We launched a new studio in Nakameguro, Tokyo in summer, 2015.